Malvern Panalytical Scientific Award 2023

Our 2023 Scientific Award is now open – and there’s a €5,000 prize for the best entry.
Entries close August 31st – you’ve still got time!


Niton™ DXL Analyser

Thermo Fisher Scientific – Portable Bench top XRF

Niton gold spectrometers quickly provide the exact karat weight and percentages of all elements within an item – easily identifying non-standard, under-karated, and even advanced counterfeit gold with fire assay-comparable accuracy.

Thermo Scientific Niton DXL precious metal Analyser

Be absolutely sure of the value of the precious metals you buy and sell with a fast, simple non-destructive solution for gold analysis. Quickly distinguish between gold plating and solid gold and determine the accurate karat (K) weight of gold jewelry with the Thermo Scientific™ Niton™ DXL Precious Metal Analyser.

  • Fast and accurate

  • Handles small pieces or multiple items simultaneously.

  • Non-destructive and simple to operate.

With an innovative colour touch-screen display and touch-screen keyboard, the DXL analyses precious metals with speed and accuracy. Its features include an improved intuitive interface, CCD Camera, large sample chamber with a back window for customer view and an optional small spot for the isolation of small components.

Niton™DXL 1
Man pressing test button on Niton DXL precious metal analyser
Man measuring the content of gold and precious metals

Key Applications for Niton DXL

Gold Buying / Jewellers / Secondhand Dealers / Collectors

  • Simultaneously measure the content of all gold and precious metals without manually changing your calibration based on the metal you’re analysing 
  • Precisely determine the presence and concentration of other trace alloying elements including lead
  • Eliminate the toxicity associated with nitric acid test methods
  • Capture images and focus in on small areas using our integrated cameral and small spot feature (depends on model).

Contact PAS for expert guidance about the Thermo Fisher Niton DXL.